Should you play vanilla, or the mods?
Since there seems to be some confusion regarding the mods, and people have contacted me to ask me about it, I thought it'd be a good idea to clarify what the mods do in a bit more detail.
PCL+ and PCL++ are both standalone mods with a bunch of different features and additions from vanilla v1.6, as well as things missing, and some core stuff that simply works differently. They were made by community members some time ago, but they stopped getting worked on after a while, and they're not receiving any further updates.
In what ways do the mods differ from each other?
Basically, PCL+ added and changed things on top of vanilla v1.6, but it also introduced some bugs and issues. Then, PCL++ added things on top of that. I don't fully remember (and there's nowhere for me to check) the specific distinctions between PCL+ and PCL++, but mainly, PCL++ added a lot of content on top of PCL+, while sadly also making it more unstable (big balancing issues, game-breaking bugs, corrupted savefiles). None of these issues will be fixed for either of the mods.
The condensed list of changes that the modded versions have when compared to vanilla are:
- Missing all quality of life updates, bug fixes, overall secrets, and features added to vanilla since v1.6 (June 2022).
+ More cards (up to most of Gen 9, and new extra/secret cards).
- Missing some other extra/secret cards instead.
+ More card types (Mega Evolutions, Gigantamax, Holographic cards, and Delta cards).
- Missing many natural (card-specific) Glyphs and special abilities.
- Balancing issues, less consistent difficulty, some game-breaking bugs, and save corruption issues.
+ New events, Glyphs, and features.
- Missing multiple Glyphs, and some of the original ones are weaker.
- Levelling up is more expensive.
- Some cards can have mixed berry costs.
- No nickname system, auto-attack system, or gameplay statistics.
- No "Whisperer" trainers and Gym/League rematches.
+ New challenge modes.
- Missing "Roguelike Resolution" challenge mode.
- No tutorial.
# New visual effects.
# Different save system, berry costs, shiny system, drop rates, and deck-building system.
# Different starter decks and trainer decks.
The (mostly) thorough list of changes that the modded versions have when compared to vanilla are:
+ Added new cards up to (most of) Gen 9, including regional forms, some new extra cards, and new secret cards.
+ Added permanent Mega Evolutions and Gigantamax.
+ Added Holographic cards (special visual effect), and Delta cards (different card typing).
+ Added new events, including: "Campfire", "Sacrifice", "De-Glyph", "Rare Candy", "Shiny Charm", Gen-specific card packs, and a few others.
+ Added new general Glyphs and a few natural (card-specific) Glyphs: "Rations", "Picky", "Underdog", "Bless", "Adversity", "Command", "Determination", "Rush", and "Taunt".
+ Added "New Game +" features, and special end-game content.
+ Added a few new challenge modes.
+ Card packs include more cards than in vanilla.
+ Deck menu has some new features, like different sorting options and mass-selling (although dangerously easy to trigger accidentally).
+ Added some quality of life features, like being able to upgrade cards directly from your inventory, instead of adding them to your deck.
+ Added optional coin skins.
# The card visual designs and effects were changed.
# Save slot system is completely different from vanilla, and not always properly functional.
# Berry cost distribution is entirely different from vanilla.
# Starter decks are completely different from vanilla.
# All trainer decks (including Gym Leaders, Crystal League and Champion) are completely different from vanilla.
# Some card forms (e.g. Castform, Rotom, Wormadam, etc.) work differently from vanilla.
# Evolution event can be now used multiple times in a single instance.
# Shinies work in a different way, with different drop rates, and they offer a special stat boost beyond Tributes.
# Different system to determine drop rate for Legendary, Mythical, and Secret cards.
# Card selling system and prices are different from vanilla.
# Added a limit to how many copies of the same card can be included in your deck.
- Missing all quality of life updates, bug fixes, overall secrets, and features added to vanilla since v1.6 (June 2022).
- Balancing issues were introduced in PCL+, and magnified in PCL++.
- A number of game-breaking bugs and save corruption issues were introduced.
- Overall difficulty is much lower, and less consistent than vanilla.
- A few extra/secret cards are missing.
- No natural (card-specific) Glyphs or special abilities for any card past Gen 2, including cards that do have them on vanilla (e.g. Shedinja, Kecleon, Cherrim, Slaking, Medicham, etc.).
- No natural (card-specific) Glyphs for multiple cards from Gens 1-2 that do have them on vanilla (e.g. Marill, Phanpy, Arcanine, etc.).
- Missing Glyphs: "Inertia", "Motivation", "Setback", "Might", "Aegis", "Magnetism", "Sunlight", "Mindful", "Intimidate", "Guru", and "Confidence".
- "Shield", "Debilitate", "Bulwark", and "Adaptability" Glyphs are weaker.
- Levelling up cards is more expensive per-level than vanilla.
- Some cards can have mixed berry costs.
- Cards cannot be nicknamed.
- Missing "Roguelike Resolution" challenge mode.
- No "Whisperer" trainers (rare challenging battle events that can use your own deck against you).
- No Gym/League rematches in post-game.
- No "auto-attack" function in battles.
- No gameplay statistics (time played, total battles, etc.).
- No dex number option for cards.
- Tutorial was disabled entirely.
Overall, I personally think the mods can be pretty fun, and absolutely worth checking out, but I suggest doing so after playing through vanilla all the way first. The decision is yours though, and I hope you have fun no matter what version you choose to play!
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